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Outofhome advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes


Out of Home Advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes in Tracy, California.
Out of Home Advertising for Billboards and Wallscapes in Tracy, California.

Description :

This illuminated billboard has a long read to Corral Hollow Rd. in Tracy, CA.  This north facing billboard allows advertisers to target daily Tracy commuters as they use Corral Hollow Rd. to travel to I-580 which leads to the Bay Area.  This is a great opportunity for an advertiser to secure a billboard that targets a key area of the Tracy market.

Location Description: Billboards in Tracy

Corral Hollow Rd. South of Linne Rd.

North Face/East Line

Tracy, CA

San Joaquin County

For more information on this billboard, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page.

Or, email/call/text:

Mike Ondeck

(562) 900-7311

Leave A Message

    Category Billboards
    Location Corral Hollow Rd, Tracy, CA
    Size 14’*24′
    Illumination Yes
    DEC 8,700
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